by Regina | Sep 1, 2022 | Flow Planning Method, Podcast
Do you trust your intuition and let it guide you? One audience that we serve really well in FLOW365 is intuitive spiritual entrepreneurs. Today I’m talking with Heather Maguire, FLOW365 member and founder of Unconventional Intuitive. She guides people in business and...
by Regina | Aug 25, 2022 | Lifestyle, Podcast
Don’t like planning because you want to go with your intuitive or creative flow? I get that, but having a plan actually gives you more freedom. We talk about meal planning, content planning, and getting it all done with Melissa Griffiths, a food blogger and...
by Regina | Aug 17, 2022 | Lifestyle, Podcast
Do you ever dismiss or minimize what your kid is feeling? Do you ever feel like their emotions are out of control? I’m really excited to talk with Dr. Ambroes Pass-Turner, doctor of counseling psychology and author of Rex’s Journey: Helping Children Understand...
by Regina | Jul 20, 2022 | Personal Growth, Podcast
Your child’s behavior is never personal. I’m not sure who needs to hear that today, but that’s one of the pearls from my guest Robbin McManne, a parenting coach and mom to teen boys. The first thing Robbin wants parents to know is that this is a tough time and it’s...
by Regina | Jun 22, 2022 | Personal Growth, Podcast
How do you prioritize yourself when you have kids and a business? You know you need to, but how does it actually happen? I’m talking with Gianna Diggs, a mindset and intuitive business coach for mom entrepreneurs about fitting self-care into your life, techniques for...