Being Focused with Megan Flatt

Being Focused with Megan Flatt
“There's a difference between productivity and focus. There's a difference between getting more done and getting the right things done.” - Megan Flatt

What if it’s not about being productive? What if it’s about being focused? I’ve got business coach Megan Flatt back on the show to talk about focus and rethinking all of our ideas about productivity. Wanna get stuff done? Don’t worry. We’ll talk about how getting clear on how we want to feel and finding our focus lead the way.

We aren’t meant to focus all the time, but most of us feel like we should. The idea that starting early, pushing hard, and getting a lot done is a virtue that’s deeply ingrained in us. We’re pushing back against capitalist and patriarchal ideas. We’re looking at new ways to own our time.

What would you do if you had 90 minutes to focus? Our to-do list culture often has us doing a lot of unimportant things. They are things that keep life running, but they don’t help us step into our greatness or do our most important work. We dive into how to change that.

We talk about: 

  • Being focused and productive in short spurts
  • Letting go of the idea that you need to work all the time or at a certain time
  • Knowing your own best focus time and saving it for your most important work
  • Using focus for deep work, planning, and clearing the deck
  • How your to-do list might be sabotaging your productivity (or getting clear on goals, projects, tasks)
  • Getting out of overwhelm by getting more overwhelmed for a minute


Calling all women balancing wellness, work, family and self… Learn a 15-minute daily practice and go to bed each night proud of what you got done.

    Doable Changes

    KNOW YOUR MOST FOCUSED TIME. When we work when we are most focused and ready, we tend to get more done with more ease. What time would you choose to work if you didn’t have guilt around not working at expected times?

    BREAK YOUR PROJECTS INTO TASKS. Too often we put projects on our to-do list. Then we don’t do things because they feel too big. Break your projects into the simplest steps. If you can’t do it in an hour, it probably has more steps. Schedule time for each step or task.

    SET A FOCUS SPRINT. Set aside 90 minutes to focus. Turn off all distractions. Write down specifically what you will do in that time. Turn on a timer and go. Give yourself a short break in the middle and then get back to it. When the 90 minutes is up, let go of focus.

    From Overwhelm to Ease


    Megan Flatt is the CEO of Let’s Collective, a business growth strategy firm devoted to making entrepreneurship easier. She is also the founder of Focus Sessions, a virtual coworking and accountability membership to get your most important work done. Let’s Collective’s mission is to help small businesses scale without burning out through strategic planning, revenue focused decisions and science backed accountability.

    Megan is obsessed with lattes, post-it notes and helping women make money. When not doing that, she’s hanging with her husband and two kids, probably near the water, in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can catch up with Megan at or


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