The Saboteur with Jackie Meek

The Saboteur with Jackie Meek

What if your mind served you … instead of working against you? I’m really excited to talk with Jackie Meek about getting off the roller coaster of “the mom juggle.” Our brain OFTEN defaults to the negative, but we can learn to choose how to respond (or not respond) to...
Your Voice of Desire with Jill Hope

Your Voice of Desire with Jill Hope

What does your voice of desire say? That’s one question Jill Hope asks. Jill is a money mindset coach for women, or as I like to say an abundance coach. The voice of desire is one of 5 voices that Jill teaches to help women unlock the blueprint to unleash our...
The Shift with Alicia Berberich

The Shift with Alicia Berberich

Empty nesting? What if we call it the shift instead? For Alicia Berberich, having kids leave opened up a  lot of time and energy, but she said that’s just part of it. Our bodies are changing and our energy shifts with that too! This is a time when we have time to...
Kids and Spirituality with Trace Bell

Kids and Spirituality with Trace Bell

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Trace Bell about parenting and your kids’ spirituality. Trace is the son of renowned spiritual teacher and speaker, Rob Bell, who wrote Love Wins. Trace talks about the freedom he had to...
The AMAZING Teen Years with Eliza Reynolds

The AMAZING Teen Years with Eliza Reynolds

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Eliza Reynolds, who co-wrote Mothering and Daughtering: Keeping Your Bond Strong Through the Teen Years with her mom Sil, who has also been on the podcast. Eliza has been coaching preteen and...