What I’m Learning from Back to Business

What I’m Learning from Back to Business

Learning new things doesn’t have to derail plans you already set. Learning can get you refocused and re-energized about what you are doing. We’ve started Back to Business week, and there are so many ahas happening. It’s not too late to join — and even if you aren’t an...
Efficient Copy with Mimi Zhou

Efficient Copy with Mimi Zhou

Are you talking about the right things? Sometimes our copywriting misses the mark because we talk about what our potential clients or customers need … instead of what they actually want. I’m really excited to talk with conversion copywriter Mimi Zhou about how we...
You are the Value with Jude Charles

You are the Value with Jude Charles

It’s not enough to share the lesson. You need to share the journey … and that’s where the story comes in. I loved talking with Jude Charles, about using story in our businesses. When you tell a story — whatever the medium — the story becomes like a movie theater in...