Journaling Practice with Lynda Monk

Journaling Practice with Lynda Monk

Can journaling help with burnout? Social worker and life coach Lynda Monk found that reflective practices help avoid burnout. Fortunately, she was a lifelong journaler and journaling is a reflective practice. You don’t have to be a long-time journaler to get benefits....
Enneagram 101 with Kelly Travis

Enneagram 101 with Kelly Travis

We all have different core motivations — and the Enneagram lets us understand ourselves and others better. We’re doing an intro to  the Enneagram with Kelly Travis, a wellness and career coach and certified Enneagram practitioner. The Enneagram is one of the tools you...
Human Design 101 with Megan Seamans

Human Design 101 with Megan Seamans

Need more ease? Human design shows you how your energy is designed to move with the most amount of ease. I’m so excited to talk to Life & Energy Coach Megan Seamans about Human Design and how you can use it to be the must “you” version of you.  We start with the...