Simplify Healthcare with Kyana Brathwaite

Simplify Healthcare with Kyana Brathwaite

Be empowered with your healthcare! I’m talking with Kyana Brathwaite of KB CALS. She provides caring advocacy and liaison services to help people find their way in the often confusing and not warm and fuzzy healthcare system.  Most of us learned not to question...
Learn to Cook with Debbie Brosnan

Learn to Cook with Debbie Brosnan

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Debbie Brosnan from the Food about taking the stress out of cooking and making meal prep more enjoyable. If you’ve been around, you know that I didn’t not know how to cook for a long time. I...
Love Your Clothes with Stefanie Johnson

Love Your Clothes with Stefanie Johnson

Let’s feel great about all the clothes in our closets!!! On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Stefanie Johnson, the founder of SwapIt. SwapIt is a clothes swapping business that helps women and people who wear women’s clothing...
Marketing to Connect with Christina Frei

Marketing to Connect with Christina Frei

This episode is part of a series for the entrepreneurs in the Plan Simple Community about making the touch points in your business feel easier and more purposeful. I’m super excited to talk to Christina Frei about marketing. Marketing is something a lot of us don’t...
Let Go and Receive with Patty Lennon

Let Go and Receive with Patty Lennon

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Patty Lennon, who helps women learn to receive and create magic. She teaches from experience and continues to learn herself. I’m so excited about her new book Make Space for Magic that dives...