Emotions are Energy with Erica Cordeiro

Emotions are Energy with Erica Cordeiro

What if there was a shortcut to releasing the things holding you back? I’m really excited to talk with Erica Cordeiro, an energy medicine practitioner, about the Body Code. I’ve worked with the Body Code for a few years now, and it’s amazing — as is Erica’s story.  ...
Space Care with Ashley Moon

Space Care with Ashley Moon

We’re all swimming in STUFF! I see so many people in FLOW365 and in other circles who want to declutter, downsize, and get their space in order. So I’m really excited to talk with decluttering specialist Ashley Moon. Ashley suggests that we start by taking stock of...
Diet Culture Takes Time with Nicole Hagen

Diet Culture Takes Time with Nicole Hagen

Let’s ditch diet culture. Easier said than done, but what if losing weight really isn’t the goal? What if we put away the scale? I loved talking with nutrition coach Nicole Hagen about what happens when we shift our thinking about weight and wellness and nutrition....