Being Not Doing with Roxanne Lowery

Being Not Doing with Roxanne Lowery

You can change your state in a moment. Curious? Check out this conversation with Roxanne Lowery, a therapeutic sound practitioner, who has a quick practice you can use anywhere to change your state. Roxanne has been navigating becoming an entrepreneur and caretaking...
Bless this Mess with Melissa Griffiths

Bless this Mess with Melissa Griffiths

Don’t like planning because you want to go with your intuitive or creative flow? I get that, but having a plan actually gives you more freedom. We talk about meal planning, content planning, and getting it all done with Melissa Griffiths, a food blogger and...
Develop a Positive Money Mindset with Kaila Pilecki

Develop a Positive Money Mindset with Kaila Pilecki

More money and more ease … isn’t that what we all want?  I’m really excited to talk with Kaila Pilecki of My Aligned Purpose about money mindset and systems. If both of those make you groan, you definitely need this conversation. Many of us equate money with freedom …...
Looking for New Work as a Mom with Becca Carnahan

Looking for New Work as a Mom with Becca Carnahan

Flexibility and fulfillment? Yes, please — but what does that really mean? I’m really excited to talk with Becca Carnahan, a career coach who specializes in helping moms find fulfilling jobs that they love without giving up the flexibility that they need. We start...
Hear Your Intuition with Heather Dressel

Hear Your Intuition with Heather Dressel

What does your intuition sound like? Heather Dressel’s here to talk about hearing your intuition — and acting on it. Creating the space to hear our intuition is why I do what I do. If you have trouble following your intuition or aren’t even sure what you should be...