Being Focused with Megan Flatt

Being Focused with Megan Flatt

What if it’s not about being productive? What if it’s about being focused? I’ve got business coach Megan Flatt back on the show to talk about focus and rethinking all of our ideas about productivity. Wanna get stuff done? Don’t worry. We’ll talk about how getting...
Your Voice of Desire with Jill Hope

Your Voice of Desire with Jill Hope

What does your voice of desire say? That’s one question Jill Hope asks. Jill is a money mindset coach for women, or as I like to say an abundance coach. The voice of desire is one of 5 voices that Jill teaches to help women unlock the blueprint to unleash our...
Building Relationships with Janice Porter

Building Relationships with Janice Porter

Are you leaving on the table chasing new leads? Janice Porter is a relationship marketing specialist. She says most people hear that and focus on the word marketing, but the focus should really be on the relationship part.  Her work centers around building...
Develop a Positive Money Mindset with Kaila Pilecki

Develop a Positive Money Mindset with Kaila Pilecki

More money and more ease … isn’t that what we all want?  I’m really excited to talk with Kaila Pilecki of My Aligned Purpose about money mindset and systems. If both of those make you groan, you definitely need this conversation. Many of us equate money with freedom …...