Time to Volunteer with Jenn Klein

Time to Volunteer with Jenn Klein

Are you an overgiver? Women can get into a position of over giving or giving in a depleting way. How can we navigate giving in a better way? I’m talking with Jenn Klein about the benefits of generosity and volunteering — and how to make that a rewarding part of a busy...
Rebirthing Yourself with Sil Read

Rebirthing Yourself with Sil Read

Being human is a hero’s journey. Are you ready for yours? I’m so excited for this conversation with my mentor Sil Read in this special birthday episode about stepping into the next part of your life. What is it about midlife? Life is a constant cycle of death and...
Become a Numbers Girl with Sara Fins

Become a Numbers Girl with Sara Fins

Not a numbers person? Uncomfortable with money? Let’s make it easier and something you actually do. I’m really excited to talk with Sara Fins, a financial coach and retired CPA. She has experience as an accountant in corporate and gets the needs of entrepreneurs...