Diet Culture Takes Time with Nicole Hagen

Diet Culture Takes Time with Nicole Hagen

Let’s ditch diet culture. Easier said than done, but what if losing weight really isn’t the goal? What if we put away the scale? I loved talking with nutrition coach Nicole Hagen about what happens when we shift our thinking about weight and wellness and nutrition....
Rest with Octavia Raheem

Rest with Octavia Raheem

Who has time for rest? Too many of us would say, not me. Rest is devalued in society, but we NEED rest. I’m so excited to share this juicy conversation with Octavia Raheem, a rest/restorative coach and founder of Devoted to Rest™. If you feel like you can’t stop, even...
10X Goals with Mia Moran

10X Goals with Mia Moran

Do you go broad or deep with your goals? As women, with lots of hats to wear, we tend to go broad, but when you go deep, your intention has less competition. That’s the premise behind 10x goals and the book 10X Is Easier Than 2X. I share one of my favorite exercises...