by Regina | Oct 5, 2023 | Food + Wellness, Podcast
Let’s ditch diet culture. Easier said than done, but what if losing weight really isn’t the goal? What if we put away the scale? I loved talking with nutrition coach Nicole Hagen about what happens when we shift our thinking about weight and wellness and nutrition....
by Regina | Sep 26, 2023 | Podcast, Productivity
Do you go broad or deep with your goals? As women, with lots of hats to wear, we tend to go broad, but when you go deep, your intention has less competition. That’s the premise behind 10x goals and the book 10X Is Easier Than 2X. I share one of my favorite exercises...
by Regina | Aug 4, 2023 | Personal Growth, Podcast
Our kids’ teen years can be a struggle and a disruption, or they can be the medicine we need to connect to our kids AND our purpose. What does talking about this have to do with what we do around here? Many of us plan for the physical hours of mothering in the early...
by Regina | Jul 27, 2023 | Lifestyle, Podcast
Can you be supermom AND feel super balanced? Lori Overbroeckling, author of Secrets of Supermom: How Extraordinary Moms Succeed at Work and Home & How You Can Too!, says yes! As the mom of four with a corporate job and a business, she’s learned how to make time...
by Regina | Jul 25, 2023 | Flow Planning Method, Podcast
I used to have a bookshelf of productivity books (mostly unread), a recycle bin of half-used calendars and planners, and too many days where my bag was filled with ideas and reminders on sticky notes and envelopes. I know I’m not alone, because over the years of...