When You Were Born with Wanica Dunn

When You Were Born with Wanica Dunn

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Wanica, or Ms Astrology about how astrology can be fun and useful in our lives. I decided on my birthday that I wanted to have my chart read (I wasn’t even quite sure how to say it), and...
At Home in Your Body with Ruth Balsiger

At Home in Your Body with Ruth Balsiger

You can come home again! Ruth Balsiger helps people to come back home to the most glowing, healthiest, feel good version of themselves. I’m so excited for this conversation with Ruth to help you to come back home to your body! Instead of looking at our body as...
Building Relationships with Janice Porter

Building Relationships with Janice Porter

Are you leaving on the table chasing new leads? Janice Porter is a relationship marketing specialist. She says most people hear that and focus on the word marketing, but the focus should really be on the relationship part.  Her work centers around building...