Become a Numbers Girl with Sara Fins

Become a Numbers Girl with Sara Fins

Not a numbers person? Uncomfortable with money? Let’s make it easier and something you actually do. I’m really excited to talk with Sara Fins, a financial coach and retired CPA. She has experience as an accountant in corporate and gets the needs of entrepreneurs...
Do Business the Feminine Way

Do Business the Feminine Way

When you think about the qualities that go into building a successful business, things  like strategic thinking, self-discipline, decisiveness, efficiency, focus might come to mind. When I asked Chat GPT to give me the top attributes of masculine energy, these were...
Build a Business that You Love with Jeannie Spiro

Build a Business that You Love with Jeannie Spiro

Now is the right time to grow and change … but you have to sell it. Today I’m talking with business and sales strategist Jeannie Spiro about her own path to entrepreneurship, how she sold her programs, and how ideas about what she should do almost derailed her....