Rock Solid Synergy with Stacey Martino

”Relationship is a skill set, and it can be learned.“ - Stacey Martino
What we chat about on the episode
- When an issue is a symptom of a different cause
- Rock solid alignment
- Most of us were never taught about relationships (or parenting for that matter)
- Finding the thing that bugs him and shifting your reaction to that momen
- Solidness of mom and dad’s relationship is the number one way your kids feel secure
- Start doing the work
- What you resist persists
- Figure out a way to support your spouse in front of kids, even when you don’t agree
- The amazing lead by passion tool
- What it means when you get married
- Date night is not optional
Doable Changes
#1. Schedule a date night.
#2. Think of one issue that you and your spouse never agree on. Make a plan to support your spouse in front of kids when this issue next arises.
#3. Practice the lead by passion tool.
About Stacey
Sought after Relationship Expert Stacey Martino knows that Better Relationships equal a Better Life™! Stepping out of the old relationship paradigm of couple’s coaching, Stacey and her husband Paul empower individuals with the tools & strategies to transform, not only, their love relationship but ANY relationship…and you don’t need your partner to participate for this to work for you!