Make December Matter

“We're practicing the muscle of really having our lives reflect what we're wanting.” - Mia Moran
Y’all we’re doing something fun here today! My friend Dolores Hirshmann is interviewing me on the podcast about Make December Matter.
Dolores knows Make December Matter as a participant and presenter. Together we’ll show you what this event happening on November 15 is all about and why it is so beloved!
Make December Matter isn’t about how to pack everything into your calendar. It’s about being intentional. We’ve planned it for the Full Moon to tap into some of that “let go” energy, and we’ll show you how to start with a clean slate
We talk about:
- How to access Make December Matter if you can’t make it that day (and why to make it that day!)
- Paying attention to all parts of your life — not just letting everything go because it is the holidays
- Holding boundaries
- How the event has changed — and how our Decembers change
- Setting you up to retreat at home and use this framework throughout the rest of the year
- Rethinking things of you think you don’t have time
We’ll have lots of things you can do to make a difference in the last weeks of the year during Make December Matter on November 15.
- SIGN UP FOR MAKE DECEMBER MATTER — it’s free. Sign up here:
- BLOCK OFF NOVEMBER 15 ON YOUR CALENDAR. The event runs 11AM – 3PM ET on November 15. Block off that time (and more) if you can. Can’t clear that time? Block some time on Saturday to go through the process!
- START DREAMING. What do you really want the end of the year to feel like? What are you feeling called to do (or not do)? We’ll help you sort this out in the event, but start dreaming and listening to what you are being called toward now.
- Sign up for Make December Matter here: