Your Dream Life with Denise Walsh

Too many tabs open in your head? Denise Walsh and I talk about the cascading effects of chronic stress and multitasking (I bet you have 16 million plates spinning too). Let’s close some of those tabs with this conversation.
Your dream life starts with a dream, but sometimes we’re so burnt out we don’t even know what our dream is. Start by creating space to hear yourself again. It’s about being intentional
Denise is as big a fan of 90 day seasons as I am. She says, “Three weeks is what makes a habit, 90 days is what truly can solidify it.” We can make a lot of shifts in 90 days, but it’s not so far out there we don’t even start.
We talk about:
- Starting the day with 15–30 minutes of journaling including gratitude
- Creating a dream plan to make that morning routine happen
- How changes create domino effects that impact our life
- Finding your it’s possible dream step
- Bringing the right energy into following up with leads
- Network marketing and what you can get out of it beside making money
Doable Changes
JOURNAL EVERY MORNING. Decide how you will make 15–30 minutes of journaling happen. Will you get up early? Do you need to go to bed earlier to make that happen? Make a plan. Have your journal ready. Write about your dreams and desires. Write your gratitude.
QUIET YOUR MIND. Journaling may help you quiet your mind by getting ideas out onto paper. Meditation is a great way to quiet the mind. Both of these are practices. Even if it feels like it isn’t working at the moment, see what happens when you stick with it. Try paying attention to your breath or using a meditation app.
MAKE YOUR DREAM MEANINGFUL. Once you quiet your mind and find your dream, make it meaningful. Ask: Why do I want this? What is that gonna do for me and my family? How is that going to bless those in my life? Does your dream feel attainable? If not, what version of your dream does?
Denise Walsh is a proud wife and mother, former clinical psychologist, motivational speaker, and multi-million dollar-earning entrepreneur.
Denise started her career by working with families at a local mental health agency as a clinical psychologist but left the practice to pursue a successful career in the direct sales industry. Her impact as a leader in that field, coupled with other certifications as a Jack Canfield trainer and experience as an elite coach with the John Maxwell Team, has given her the unique ability to help people tap into their ultimate potential and find their greatness. She has found her calling inspiring others to go after their dreams and has helped more than a million people find their purpose and fulfill their God-given destiny.