You are the Value with Jude Charles

You are the Value with Jude Charles
“You are the value, not the tips and tricks, not the service, the product, you are the value.” - Jude Charles

It’s not enough to share the lesson. You need to share the journey… and that’s where the story comes in. I loved talking with Jude Charles, about using story in our businesses.

When you tell a story — whatever the medium — the story becomes like a movie theater in people’s minds. The story sticks with them and triggers a reaction. They might forget the details of the tip or information you shared, but they will remember the story and make meaning from it.

To have that power, story should be specific. The details give it life. Jude demonstrates the level of detail that engages without overwhelming us.

We talk about: 

  • Noticing which stories are conversation starters
  • Why we should stop devaluing our own stories
  • Focusing on what’s there for you right now to get out of your own way
  • Putting in the reps: Practicing telling the stories, even as an introvert, until you get more comfortable
  • A 5-minute practice to find your own stories and testing those stories
  • How to quickly prepare to speak and include stories


Calling all women balancing wellness, work, family and self… Learn a 15-minute daily practice and go to bed each night proud of what you got done.


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    • GATHER A STORY. Take 5 minutes at the end of your day to record a story. Think back about what happened. Pick something memorable. Then: Create a title. Tell what happened. Identify the lesson.
    • DO THE REPS. Practice telling your story. One technique is to record it on your phone and then listen to it to get really familiar with your story and get comfortable with your own delivery.
    • FIND THE STORY BEHIND THE LESSON. Do you have a tip or practice or other teaching you share often? What’s the story behind it? Can you reverse engineer to find the story that leads to the lesson? Because the story is what makes gives the lesson heart and is most likely to be what sticks with people or even moves them (even if they take a different lesson from it).
    From Overwhelm to Ease


    For over 18 years, Jude Charles has been producing documentaries for entrepreneurs. He has produced stories for Google, Steve Harvey, and dozens of visionary CEOs. Jude teaches you how to dig deep to find compelling stories that no one else knows, and then leverage those stories to grow your business. Jude’s mission is to lead and empower entrepreneurs to have relentless, unwavering courage.


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