Use Your Cycle with Renae Fieck

Your cycle is more than your periods. Too often we are only aware of our period, but working with the four parts of our cycle can make a huge difference in our work and life. I’ve been paying more attention to my cycle for a few years now, and I’m really excited for this conversation with Renae Fieck, cycle coach and business strategist.
If you pay attention, you’re likely to notice different energies and moods throughout each month of your cycle. Renae has dubbed them: the recharge, the accelerate phase, the connect phase, and the reflect phase. You can work with these phases instead of trying to push through them
No, you can’t plan your whole life around your cycle, but you can still organize some of your work around them. You can also be kinder to yourself when you need to do something not at the optimal time. And you can make other changes in your life to support yourself through the various stages.
We talk about:
- What happens when we create space for ourselves and follow our rhythm
- Ways to track what’s happening — noticing goes a long way.
- Seasonal and other long term cycles in our lives
- Shifting your exercise throughout your cycle
- Finding more confidence and turning your cycle into your superpower
- What it looks like for women who don’t have a cycle now
At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. Sometimes action feels so hard. You can be kind to yourself and take action. Our cycles are a great example of how! And we can also take care of ourselves by making the steps doable and focusing on one thing at a time. We take time to integrate the change and then move on to the next one. Pick a Doable Change that resonates with you the most to start from.
TUNE INTO YOUR BODY. Working with your cycle starts with noticing your cycle. You can use tools to track your basal body temperature. But you can also simply ask: How am I feeling today? What’s actually happening in my body? What does my body need today? Keep it short and simple.
CREATE SPACE AROUND YOUR PERIOD. For this part of your cycle, create space for yourself. Take a social media break to cut the noise. Get into nature. Do things that help you recharge.
CYCLE SYNC YOUR WORKOUTS. What if you didn’t do the same workout all through the month? Try adapting the intensity to your cycle. For example, sleeping in and easy yoga during your period and higher intensity later in your cycle. See what happens if you make changes that reflect how your body feels.
Renae is a mom of 3 and occupational therapist. She helps women optimize their time and energy through unlocking the power of their cycles so that they can be thriving high achievers. Through her method she helps women balance the demands of life, make a bigger impact, and get bigger results without adding more stress or needing more time. She’s the host of the Cycle Advantage Podcast. She can be found at