The Energy of Money with Christine Walsh

We need to get better with money. Money triggers us in a way that nothing else does. I’m talking with Christine Walsh, a financial transformation expert, about why — and what we can do about it.
We dig into why what you’ve learned about money management probably isn’t right for you as a woman and an entrepreneur. We talk about how improved stewardship around money allows us to change things in the world.
What I really love about Christine’s approach is that it is both practical and energetic.
We talk about:
- Shifting how you think about money from something that gets you things to something that brings change
- Getting clear on your values and where your spending is and is not aligned
- Why you don’t probably don’t have to give up Starbucks
- Starting with no judgement to improve your relationship with money
- Tending to your money like you’d tend a plant you want to grow
- Recovering power by facing our money story
At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.
Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.
Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:
- REVIEW YOUR SPENDING THROUGH YOUR VALUES. Get really clear on your values for your business and yourself (they may be the same or have overlap). Then look at where you are spending money and what you are spending it on. For each thing you spend on, assess whether it is in alignment or not with your values.
- CHECK ON YOUR MONEY EVERY DAY. If you want your money to grow, you have to tend to it. Start by checking on it daily. Do it with compassion and no judgement. Get used to keeping money in sight instead of hidden.
- CHANGE YOUR MONEY STORY. If you frequently say, “I’m not good with money” or another stale story, it’s time to shift your money story. Start by looking at your beliefs about money — what it’s for, how we get it, who has or deserves it, how you judge it — and your fears about it. You may want to work with a coach or find a women entrepreneur to do this work with. Start with one positive money mantra for yourself. Practice saying that instead of your old money story.
Christine Walsh, master certified coach, fractional CFO, speaker, and author is revolutionizing the way women access financial independence in their businesses and their lives. She coaches motivated women to amplify their money through deep mindset work, accessible tools and practices, and sound financial strategy developed over her 25+ years of successful financial leadership. Her #1 best selling book, Be The Queen of Your Money, teaches women how to create an abundant future by transforming the financial narrative holding them back from a life of abundance on their terms. She can be found at and in the mountains of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.