Tapping with Jill Wener

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Jill Wener, the meditating doctor. Facing stress and burnout herself, Jill found mediation. She overcame her initial skepticism and learned the science behind Conscious Health Mediation. In 2017, she learned another technique—Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT or tapping—that helped her overcome limiting beliefs.
We talk about really feeling your emotions and giving ourselves permission to have more positive feelings. Along with this Jill talks about reframing thoughts, so that we are focusing on what we want to grow. Tapping becomes a modality for processing your emotions.
Jill briefly explains how tapping works: You say things out loud as you tap on different points on your face and chest. And then you can embody that feeling and sit in it and allow it and embrace it. Then you allow it to pass and to integrate and shift. Then there is a cognitive shift. And you feel amazing after.
We talk about:
- How flexible and adaptive tapping is — and how easy it is to start
- Learning tools that you can use on your own (they may take time and practice, but you can get ongoing benefits on your own)
- Meditation and how it perks you up better than Starbucks
- Mediation being more preventative, while tapping is more like a spot cleaner
- Seeing negative emotions as a gift
- Tapping with your kids
Doable Changes
NOTICE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. Most of us were taught that emotions like anger and sadness were bad, but learning to feel and process all emotions is important. Start by simply noticing your emotions without judgement. Name how you are feeling.
TRY MEDITATION. Jill notes that meditation is preventative. It’s a practice that over time makes a difference—just like all of our doable changes. Start by doing a very short meditation. If you think mediation isn’t for you, try Conscious Health Mediation, a specific modality that Jill teaches.
EXPLORE TAPPING. Learn more about Tapping on Jill’s site—or come to CAMP—to learn tapping from Jill! This technique is simple to learn, and you can get something out of it whenever you do it, even if you don’t practice regularly.
After 10+ years practicing Internal Medicine in a busy urban hospital, Jill knows firsthand what severe stress and burnout feel like. In the midst of her own emotional turmoil, she was introduced to Conscious Health Meditation, and it had a profound effect on her well-being. Due to her medical background, Jill was initially skeptical of spiritual practices. However, as she learned the science behind Conscious Health Meditation, she embraced the training and marveled at the results of her efforts. The only Conscious Health (also known as Vedic) Meditation instructor in Georgia, Jill completed her training in Rishikesh, India in April, 2016.
Jill strongly believes that there is no ‘quick fix’; no singular technique can address all of the physical and emotional challenges of today’s society. When she discovered the evidence-based technique of tapping (also called the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) at a conference for women physicians in 2017 and began using it herself, she was amazed at how well it complemented her meditation practice and helped her to let go of long-held limiting beliefs. She became a tapping practitioner in 2019, and finds tremendous joy facilitating incredible growth and benefits with her tapping clients.
A nationally-renowned expert in physician wellness, Jill has published several articles on KevinMD, led physician wellness programs around the country, and lectured at the national level on stress and the benefits of meditation and tapping. She has been interviewed on multiple TV and radio shows as well as podcasts (in the medical community and beyond). In addition to her online and in-person meditation and tapping programs, Jill leads meditation retreats all over the world and is the co-founder and Chief Wellness Officer of the TransforMD Mastery Retreat for Women Physicians. An (always aspiring) anti-racist, Jill is the creator of the Conscious Anti-Racism curriculum, in which she (along with her business partner Dr. Maiysha Clairborne) combines her insights as a white woman on her own anti-racism journey with her mind-body expertise and her 10 years of experience practicing medicine. Jill is also the host of the Conscious Anti-Racism podcast, and she is also the author of the Conscious Anti-Racism book with Dr. Clairborne.