Reinvention is Remembering with Donna Cravotta

Reinvention is Remembering with Donna Cravotta
“It's not a reinvention because we're not changing who we are. We are who we are at that point… we're remembering the parts that we literally gave away so we could take care of somebody else.” - Donna Cravotta

We’re not reinventing ourselves. We’re finding the best parts of ourselves and turning it into something new. I’m so excited about this conversation with Donna Cravotta, who helps women over 50 become more visible.

Donna says that if we take the time to look, we’ve got possibilities, opportunities, that always surround us. Too often we’re too busy to see them. Often it’s a health crisis that makes us stop and look around. Sometimes it’s another life shift.

We often hear about young people doing interesting things, but women over 50 are doing amazing things. If you are ready to step into your next thing — and be visible about it, this conversation is for you!

We talk about: 

  • How social media, PR, and SEO work together to help you get visible
  • Getting really intentional about who you are talking to and how to capture their attention
  • Focusing on the things that don’t change—listening, building relationships and trust
  • Understand how many clients you need and choose your actions from there
  • Women over 50 doing amazing things
  • Finding the best parts of you and building something new with them


Calling all women balancing wellness, work, family and self… Learn a 15-minute daily practice and go to bed each night proud of what you got done.


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    • CONNECT INTENTIONALLY. On LinkedIn or Instagram or wherever you are, find one person to connect with intentionally. Comment on what they post. Build a connection. Repeat.
    • EDIT YOUR LIFE. Look at everything you’ve done so far. What are the best parts? Take some time to edit your life to find the strengths, values, accomplishments — the things that stick with you — that you want to bring forward and use as the foundation for the next thing you do.
    • POST WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. There are ways to use social media to connect that don’t have a lot to do with what you post or the frequency with which you post. Try posting only when you have something you really want to say.
    From Overwhelm to Ease


    Donna Cravotta is the CEO and Founder of Cravotta Media Group and the creator of mastermind, and The Real 50 over 50: The Wisdom Revolution, a visibility project featuring 100+ women over the age of 50 who are quietly, or not so quietly, making a difference.

    After 40 years of work, she redesigned her business to help authors, speakers, and small business owners combine all of the parts of their stories and mix tried-and-true strategies with new technology to be visible and connect with their perfect audiences.


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