Navigate Your Year with Kim Marie

On this episode of the Plan Simple Meals Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Kim Marie, a transformational life coach and mom of 12 and 15 year old boys. Kim and I met in an online group for people interested in the Waldorf philosophy.
I have learned so much about how I parent and show up for meals from the Waldorf classroom, so I knew you would love to hear what she has to say about the holidays.
As the world around us gears up for the busy holiday season, we can choose to breathe, go inward and get quiet within ourselves.
Kim shares traditions from around the world and talks about what is happening in nature at this time of year and says, “We have a whole lot going on below the surface if we’re willing to tap into it during that time of year.”
Some ideas we dive into:
- The power of declarations
- Honoring holidays as a season, not as a day
- Using a journal as a guidebook for your life
- Anything artistic, including writing, to get your deepest desires out of your head
- Giving yourself permission to say no
- Her journal coming out in December and how set an intention to make space for journaling
Doable Changes
MAP OUT YOUR HOLIDAY SEASON. Put in key dates so you can see the time as a whole (think of a holiday season, not a holiday as a day). Consider what you want to happen before and after key dates. Try mapping out your holiday season on paper by hand.
JOURNAL FOR 12 DAYS AROUND THE NEW YEAR. To make time, set an intention to have a little bit of time to journal before you go to bed at night or do the best you can to get up before the children and journal a bit in the morning. When you journal, try connecting one day to each month. Your journal can become a guide to your life. Kim’s journal is designed to help you do this.
CONTRIBUTE FOOD THAT SERVES YOU TO HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS. You can have a wonderful healing, nourishing meal that you look forward to it. It means getting creative and breaking away from what you’ve always done, but it pays off to be nourished and leave the holiday meal feeling great.
Kim Marie is a Transformational Life Coach supporting her clients to awaken their inner wisdom and transform their lives. Through her powerful programs and courses, including Mother’s Medicine, Wisdom Rising, and her forthcoming online group coaching program, Awakening Wisdom, Kim supports women to remember who they are, reconnect to what matters most, and rebirth themselves into the life of freedom they envision.