Moon Deep Dive with Keri-Anne Livingstone

Moon Deep Dive with Keri-Anne Livingstone
“The more I got into it, the more I saw how the cycles of the moon are this beautiful, loving, unconditional container for us to be human.” - Keri-Anne Livingstone

Let’s do a moon deep dive, because getting into more natural rhythms is so freeing and fascinating. I’m really excited to talk with Keri-Anne Livingstone, a clarity coach who taps into the cycles of the moon.

We focus on four cycles of the moon: the new, the waxing, the full and the waning. Keri-Anne explains the significance of each and how to make the best use of each phase. We can use each phase something different: anchoring, action, full expression, and assessing and learning.

The moon has you even if your body doesn’t cycle. So you can map your energy to the moon as a guide. And no matter where you are, you belong in whatever phase you’re in within the moon’s beautiful, cyclical, supportive container.

We talk about: 

  • Slowing down and intention setting with the new moon
  • Feminine stages: maiden, mother, crone, and the often overlooked hag
  • Finding full expression and connecting during the full moon
  • Using the elements of earth, air, fire, and water to your benefit during different parts of the cycle
  • The difference between new moon and dark moon and how to approach each
  • When you are off cycle with the moon


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    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Change comes from action.

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    • ANCHOR DURING THE NEW MOON. Identify when the next new moon is. Remember this is a time to rest and go inward. What can you cancel or shift to give yourself more rest? Can you get quiet and hear your intuition? If building in more rest for the next new moon feels stressful, try shifting your schedule now for the new moon after that.
    • PLAN A MONTH AROUND THE MOON CYCLES. Remember that the four moon phases follow these purposes: anchoring, action, full expression, and assessing and learning. Take a look at your plan for the month. What can you shift fo fit that schedule better? For example if your busiest week is the new moon, can you move some things? Can you take more action during the waxing stage? Can you launch or go live during the full moon?
    • REFLECT AND LEARN. Just as we need rest periods, we need time to notice, reflect on, and examine what we did and learned During the first three weeks of the cycle. During the waning moon, take some time to journal. Ask yourself: What’s changed? How am I different?
    From Overwhelm to Ease


    Keri-Anne Livingstone is a certified Clarity Coach and emotional regulation specialist, guiding women through life’s biggest challenges to have more peace, power, and presence through private coaching sessions, her online programs and Radical Acceptance Retreats held around the world.

    With over a decade of experience and a lifetime of learning, Keri-Anne is known for delivering potent insights and perspective, drawing from her deep understanding of the human experience to help clients connect to their truest selves with clarity and confidence.

    Her unique and intuitive approach transcends surface-level solutions, diving deep into root causes to create lasting change. Through her expertise in somatic experiencing, compassionate inquiry, and internal family systems, Keri-Anne provides safe, brave space for fundamental shifts, healing and growth.

    Clients who work with Keri-Anne experience transformative outcomes, including a significant increase in confidence and self-awareness, a regulated nervous system, reconciliation of toxic patterns and relationships, healing from trauma, and experiencing a profound sense of trust and peace within themselves.

    Her commitment to creating a safe, sovereign, and supportive process to explore and grow, ensures women feel empowered to reclaim their power, rewrite their story, speak their truth and live life on their own terms, unapologetically.

    Whether it’s anchoring yourself to weather a storm, rewriting your story, or daring to disrupt the status quo, Keri-Anne is here to see and celebrate you every step of the way.


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