Manifesting with Jen Mazer

We’re all dreaming up our lives … and those dreams can be reality. I’m so excited to have Jen Mazer, the Queen of Manifesting, back in conversation about dreaming and manifesting.
When we believe what we see in our dreams, it’s more of a direct line to it happening. Instead of “trying,” we act from a place of trust and expectation. It’s time to stop pushing away the ideas that come and trusting them.
We need to get out of our comfort zone and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Everything we need is outside of our comfort zone — and if we step out of that zone, we can get what we want.
We talk about:
- Overcoming resistance and trusting yourself so that you can trust the universe to support you
- Gratitude practices and paying attention to synchronicities
- Making time to focus on your big dream
- 3 questions to ask: What do I want? How will I feel when I have that thing that I want? How can I feel that way now?
- Reflecting on the past year before amplifying the new year
- Thinking about what actions would make a ripple effect in your life
At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.
Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life.
Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:
- DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE. List 5 things you love. Then do one of those things. It doesn’t have to be related to your big dream. You don’t have to spend a whole day doing the thing. Just doing something you love can shift your vibration.
- GET AT THE FEELING. Manifesting comes from a feeling place. Ask yourself these 3 questions: What do I want? How will I feel when I have that thing that I want? How can I feel that way now? Do something that will help you feel that way now.
- FIND GRATITUDE AND SYNCHRONICITIES. Write down your gratitudes. Be proud of how you showed up. Write down any synchronicities that showed up for you too. Taking time to notice them and write them down helps you see and open to more.
Jen Mazer is the “Queen of Manifestation.” She’s always been able to dream up outrageous adventures and actually live them out—from rubbing elbows at a small private cocktail party hosted by Martin Scorsese, to living rent-free in the East Village of Manhattan for 10 years, to paying off over $38,000 of debt in less than a year, having her artwork published in the New York Times, traveling the world, meeting the man of her dreams (a successful rock star), giving birth at home to both of her children on the same day 9 years apart, and starting a green school in Africa.
Jen is a sought-after transformational speaker and coach. She teaches people how to manifest their biggest dreams while making an impact on the world. She is known for her signature Manifestation Masters Program and Private Success Coaching.
She’s the author of Manifesting Made Easy (Simon & Schuster) and Co-Founder of the board game Sparked.
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