Lunar Abundance with Ezzie Spencer

On this episode of the Plan Simple Meals Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Ezzie Spencer, author of the Lunar Abundance book and journal, and creator of Re. Love, about moon phases and how tuning into the moon affects us.
Ezzie started her career in law focusing on domestic violence and women’s safety. When she realized something elemental was missing from her own life, she started to tune into her body’s rhythms and cycles, and reconnected with the moon cycle. She began to notice patterns in her energy and her desires correlated to the cycle of the moon.
She found that the moon cycles are not only a way to feel better and more energized, but also a way to be a lot more productive as a result. The moon cycle and our own corresponding cycles marry predictability and change.
We talk about:
- Tracking the moon and letting it be a mirror to yourself
- Slowing down to notice what we are feeling in the moment and connecting it to the moon cycle
- Setting intentions at the new moon
- Becoming more in tune to your intuition and able to separate from external voices
- Showing up daily for our intentions as we move through other cycles of the moon
- Moving into a more sustainable pattern of being and doing phases and learning to embrace the pause
- Celebrating what we have achieved and received
Doable Changes from this episode:
TUNE IN TO THE MOON. Start by simply tracking the moon and noticing what’s happening. You can watch the moon or use a moon cycle planner. Then journal about how you are feeling, your energy, what you want, how your own cycle compares.
SET NEW MOON INTENTIONS. Use a lunar planner to find the next moon. Then use that time to set an intention. There is always another new moon, so there’s always an opportunity to start. Really ask yourself, what is it that I want to welcome into my life? Allow yourself to really listen to the answer from your heart and body wisdom. Think of it more about feeling than about a goal.
CELEBRATE. Take time to celebrate what you have achieved and what you have received. This practice can help you continue to trust and live with more ease and flow.
Dr. Ezzie Spencer is a best-selling author and coach living in New York City. Starting out as a lawyer in Australia, Dr. Ezzie worked in the area of women’s safety, which led her to complete a Ph.D in emotional well-being after domestic abuse. During her doctorate, she started personally coaching women on well-being. First through her coaching, and then also her books, talks, retreats, and online platforms, Dr. Ezzie has supported tens of thousands around the world to heal and harness their personal power. Dr. Ezzie specializes in helping women recover from toxic relationships so they can rebuild epic self-confidence, rekindle their optimism about the future, and finally find the courage to put themselves back out there to attract real love.
Free lunar planner:
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