Living in Your Box with Sarah Jenks

On this episode of the Plan Simple Podcast, I’m so excited to talk with Sarah Jenks. If I have ever met anyone who truly walks her talk, and then turns around and teaches us all the lessons she has learned, it is Sarah.
We dive deep into her story which starts with her longtime body image issues and how she finally made her life full of joy. We then move into motherhood where, once again, Sarah;s beliefs of who she thought she could be were tested. Through her struggles, she created some amazing magic tools and healing rituals, so that we too can thrive — and she shares some of them with us!
When I first me Sarah, I was drawn to her clarity. You will hear first-hand on this episode how her quest for clarity has really shaped her life – and what that means for her family, business and us.
We talk about:
- Lies women tell ourselves about the choices we have in life
- Listening to our bodies and intuition
- Sarah’s inspirational story of going from being a totally stressed out mom to designing the life of her dreams — yurt and all!
- How our feminine menstrual cycle perfectly matches the moon’s cycle, and how men are very different
- The novel idea of taking whole days and doing what we want, without guilt
Doable Changes
GIVE UP GLUTEN AND DAIRY FOR 10 DAYS. Sarah was having a hard time connecting with her intuition and soul and knew that food was part of the solution. Once she got rid of the fog, she felt direct connection. She realized that for her changing her food is a spiritual practice. She used her spiritual practice to support what to her was a huge change in her life.
TAKE A DAY OFF. Sarah talks about taking whole days off on a regular basis — a school day where you bath, nap, read. Open your calendar and block out a date. Make it yours and then spend some time feeling into what you would do on that day. Maybe you sleep. Maybe you exercise. Maybe you read a whole book. Maybe you spend a day a museum. Just make sure that it is what your soul really wants to do and not what you or anyone in your life thinks you should do.
ADD THE MOON PHASES TO YOUR CALENDAR. Trying to live life by the moon, or your menstrual cycle, can have a huge impact on your sanity! Start by getting the moon phases into your calendar. Use one of the recourses Sarah mentioned to learn more about what that means for your schedule. Honor that cycle for a month and see what happens!
Before I had kids, I devoted years of my life to being at peace with my body. The freedom and joy I experienced birthed my international program Live More Weigh Less, where thousands of women have found freedom from emotional eating and fallen in love with their bodies. Live more weigh less was celebrated in publications such as Forbes , success magazine, health magazine, parenting magazine and Martha Stewart living.
But after I had my first child, I felt like all of the freedom, magic, and sparkle of my life and soul were sucked out of me. Being a mother was so all-consuming, and I realized I was falling into the trap that so many women get stuck in. The trap of putting everybody’s happiness before my own. I spent many years in a tireless search for my soul through working with shamans, coaches, spiritual teachers and traveling to many sacred sites. This helped me land in a life that feels like a true expression of who I am. I rarely do things I don’t want to do. I feel fully supported by my husband in our home life. I feel freedom to be the real me with friends, my family, and at the grocery store. I have time for the things that matter most. I have an incredibly deep connection with my kids, my husband, my soul, nature, and the magic that exists in the world around us.
Sarah on getting her husband involved at home
Alisa Vitti’s work at
Jennifer Racioppi for great advice around the moon
Lunar Abundance book by Dr. Ezzie Spencer