Envision Your Future with Jennifer Zwiebel

Imagine spending hours hibernating and dreaming. There’s an energy at this time of year of looking ahead and envisioning our future, and FLOW365er Jennifer Zwiebel is brilliant at helping people do that. I’m so excited to share her process and ideas with you.
We often shut ourselves down quickly when we begin to vision. Sometimes there are real logistical obstacles to navigate, and sometimes there are stories in our head we need to navigate. If you keep getting stuck, Jennifer’s process will help.
Magic opens up when we get into a space of trust, curiosity, and exploration. Let’s dive in!
We talk about:
- Creating sacred space and permission for yourself to vision
- Mindset work that keeps us from moving forward
- Using true statements to calm down your mind about obstacles
- Being playful with our visions and actions
- 5 pillars: passion, commitment without attachment, adaptability, partnership, and trusting the timing and evolution of ideas
- Wicked (go see it) and how it demonstrates visioning and creating
At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.
Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life.
Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:
- TRY THE TRUE NORTH PROCESS. Our fears or limitations often stop us in our tracks as soon as we have a big idea. Start by noting the obstacle or limitation. Identify the truth in each one. Go as far as you can with the true statements. This can help calm down your mind. Then ask if there are things you need: something you need to learn, someone you need help from.
- CREATE A SAFE SPACE TO REFLECT. Give yourself some time and space away from others. Ask questions like: What has my life has been like? What has my work been like? What have my creative pursuits have been like? What would I love?
- MAKE IT FUN AND EASY. If you have something you have been meaning to do, but keep not doing it, ask how you could make it fun and easy. Take a more playful approach and see what happens.
Jennifer Zwiebel is an entrepreneur coach and founder of VisionCraft, where strategy meets magic. Jennifer coaches highly intuitive entrepreneurs to bring their most meaningful visions to life. She helps her clients get clear on what they really want, embrace their potential, release obstacles, and trust their extraordinary visions. From Implementation Labs to The Visionaries Playground to customized one-on-one coaching, Jennifer creates safe spaces for entrepreneurs to explore, share, and realize their unique purpose and gifts. Join the magic at visioncraftcoaching.com.