Declare Dominion with Katherine North
On this episode of the Plan Simple Meals Podcast, I’m so excited to talk with Katherine North, who runs the online coaching business called Declare Dominion. She’s also mom to 5 kids ages 2 to 11.
We talk about Katherine’s daily compass that helps her focus on the most important thing each day. She shares her strategy of choosing 3 goals a quarter and then 3 goals for the week. And while, like the rest of us, she finds herself spending some weeks putting out fires, she uses these goals to refocus.
We also talked a lot about clutter—how it gets in the way of getting things done and how to deal with it. Katherine shares practical tools she uses and mental reset ideas too. There are so many great ideas in this conversation!
We talk about:
- how being ruthless with physical clutter can help us stay on track with goals
- her “5-minute swoop” routine for clearing clutter
- having an outbox for things that need to leave your house
- how taking the time for higher mental work (that you feel like you don’t have time for) leads to higher productivity
- mental load and being realistic about—and getting—the help we need
- how having a “uniform” makes your morning easier and lets you love what you wear.
Doable Changes
DO A 5-MINUTE DECLUTTERING. Set a timer for 5 minutes and see what you can clear in one area. Put dirty laundry in the hamper, backpacks in the closet, clear the coffee cup from your desk. This isn’t the time to sort through papers or wash the dishes. Just clear space.
CREATE AN OUTBOX. Set up one space where anything that needs to leave your house—from library books to outgoing mail to a dish to return to your neighbor—goes. Put outgoing items in that one place, and when you leave the house check to see if anything needs to go with you.
FOCUS ON 3 KEY THINGS EACH WEEK. Take half an hour each week to sort out your week. While you aren’t overwhelmed, choose the three things that are most important for that week. As you go through the week and life intervenes, keep coming back to those three things to focus and get things done.
Katherine North is a writer & life coach who helps soulful women get bigger, stronger, and braver in all areas of their lives. She’s on a not so secret mission to help the wise women take over the world.