Budgeting is Selfcare with Shay McMillan

On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Shay about a topic that isn’t sexy and hasn’t always been interesting to me, but that I think is really important—budgeting. Talking about money is a little taboo, but so important.
We talk about how most of us don’t learn about money or budgeting. And because most people are so uncomfortable talking about it, we don’t learn about money or budgeting. That really needs to change. Getting comfortable with our money stories and knowing where our money is going is so important to feeling in flow.
Shay’s going to teach us to create a budget at Camp—and you might be thinking, that’s not what I want to do in the middle of the summer, but doing this work together can be truly nurturing, an act of self-care.
We talk about:
- How making and sticking to a budget is a lot more than math
- Flip-flopping the idea of buying on credit and paying off with saving up to buy with cash
- Patience and gratitude in money work
- Focusing on permission rather than restriction
- Overcompensating and other reasons for spending
- Connecting our thoughts and intentions with our actions and values
Doable Changes
PRACTICE GRATITUDE. Recognizing and appreciating what you have is a piece of the “money work.” Make a list of things you have that you are grateful for.
PRACTICE PATIENCE & SAVING. Choose one thing that you want but do not need right now. Practice putting aside money each month for that thing. You could even calculate how much more you would spend if you bought it on credit now and paid the same amount you would save to pay it off.
CONNECT TO YOUR VALUES. Connecting to values can help you figure out where you want to spend money — and where you don’t. Just because other people spend money on date night out, expensive gifts, the latest phone, or daily coffee, doesn’t mean you have to. And it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t spend money on those things if they are things you truly love and want in your life. Start by making a list of values. Then when you are going to make a purchase, ask, Does this align with my values?
Shay McMillan is a wife, full-time employee, business owner, social media influencer, planner, goal setting expert, organizer, budget coach and more.
She is determined to create and lead a life that she absolutely loves and enjoys. She currently works in a helping profession and thoroughly enjoys her work. However, she feel she has a duty to do more – to help more. That’s where her social media influencer career comes in. She created a budget-centered YouTube channel in 2017 and then created other social media accounts too.
While her financial freedom journey is going relatively well, she also includes everyday, real-life struggles and successes, that impact her financial situation.
Shay’s current obsessions include her husband, budgeting, planning, organizing and decorating/furnishing her new house and her new pup. You can expect to see a ton of each on all of her social media profiles.