Branding is Spiritual with Tiffany Neuman

Your logo is just the tip of the branding iceberg. Branding strategist Tiffany Neuman is here to show us that branding is more than logo and colors. Branding is messaging — and who you are. Branding and marketing have been coming up a lot in FLOW365, so I’m excited to dive into this conversation.
Branding and marketing go hand in hand. Marketing is the vehicle to put the brand out there and get brand recognition. If you dread this, you’re not alone. We talk about fear of visibility, struggles to write copy, and how the clarity and confidence of a brand can make it easier to share.
Like most of what we do here, branding starts with visioning. Tiffany loves helping people dream bigger and reverse engineering to their brand.
We talk about:
- Branding for the company you want to be in a few years, not now
- Creating a branded system and how it helps you get new ideas out quickly and easily and outsource
- A perfect fit client instead of an ideal client
- Branding as spiritual and self-development
- Being consistent with your brand and innovative with campaigns
- Mindset work on visibility
At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.
Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life.
Doable Changes from this Conversation
GET OUTSIDE THE BOTTLE. Tiffany likes to say you can’t see the label from inside the bottle. It can be hard to describe what we do. Ask your clients to tell you what they would tell a friend. This might work best on a call or live session. You aren’t asking for a testimonial, just a clearer understanding of what you do for people.
NOTICE YOUR CATCH PHRASES. What are you known for? What do you say all the time? Make a list or jot things down as you say it. Are you using these phrases in your content?
VISION ABOUT WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. Vision about where you want to be in a few years. You want to create your brand around your future vision, not your “now” business. Get clear on where you are going. Then, if you need it, get help to create the brand around that.
Tiffany Neuman is a visionary branding strategist who helps highly-motivated women entrepreneurs up-level their businesses. After 15 years in the corporate world, working with brands like FedEx, Adidas and Burt’s Bees, she left to establish a revolutionary branding business that stays one step ahead of trends. Using a unique, hands-on approach that views branding as a self-development process, Tiffany now works with clients across the globe to help them 10x their sales and shine even brighter in their niches. She is a contributor for Entrepreneur and has appeared in media outlets including Forbes, and various podcasts. Tiffany is a professor of design and branding, as well as the host of the Legacy Lounge Podcast. When she’s not helping clients create their legacy brands, she’s spending quality time with her husband and two daughters.