Behind the Scenes of My Latest Health Goals

Behind the Scenes of My Latest Health Goals
"What if I could get over all the little things that keep holding me back and really be the healthiest version of myself by my 50th birthday?" - Mia Moran

I’m pretty health focused. In fact Plan Simple started when I was 33 with three young kids and a business .. and I wasn’t the healthiest version of myself. There was a day I couldn’t try to power through on coffee any more.

I started with yoga. I changed my food — went raw vegan (without even knowing what kale was). I kept it simple and self-loving and I stuck with it. My wellness journey unfolded from there.

But then in January I found sickness just pummelling our family. And I realized that I’m doing what I’ve been doing for 15 years.

My 50-year-old body is different than my 33-year-old body. I’ve been coasting. It’s time to stop relying on an old version of me to make decisions for now and future me.

What would it look like to be the healthiest version of me when I turn 50?

Sometimes we stick with what we are doing because it’s easier than going all in on something new.

But this isn’t a whim or a “should” goal. I truly want to feel amazing — and have energy to show up my best for my clients and my family.

Three things happened:

  • I’ve gained about 45 lbs, which I attributed to perimenopause.
  • I found my feet hurt so much I almost couldn’t walk when I first got up in the morning.
  • I went to the doctor for an ear problem, and they told me I needed surgery.

I knew my body was not in good shape for surgery. What if I could heal my ear another way? Or what if I could make myself ready for surgery?

And at the same time, my kids are growing and I’m loving seeing their interests — and I want to be healthy and mobile to be able to visit them wherever they are in the world.

It’s time for change.


Calling all women balancing wellness, work, family and self… Learn a 15-minute daily practice and go to bed each night proud of what you got done.


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Change comes from action.

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    • VISION YOUR HEALTHIEST SELF. What would your healthiest self look like? What would she feel like? What would she do? Our health impacts our activities our energy and how we show up for ourselves, our families and our businesses. What would your life look like if you were your healthiest self?
    • DECIDE WHAT’S NOT WORKING. I’ve been coasting, doing the things that worked for my 33-year-old body, but it wasn’t working anymore. Things that might need tweaking: your food, they kind or amount of exercise, how much rest you need, how much alcohol or caffeine you consume … What happens if you make a little shift with that one thing?
    • SET ONE BOUNDARY. Nobody will be as invested in your health changes as you will be. Set one boundary and be clear about it with yourself, your friends, your family, your clients … anyone who will try to sway you. Set a boundary around what you eat or when, or not scheduling during your exercise class or getting to bed on time for you.
    From Overwhelm to Ease

    I believe that all of us have our next doable step.

    That means you can start wherever you are — and that wherever you are there is a next step.

    I’ve been coasting when it comes to health for a while now, and I can’t anymore.

    Here are of the things I’m doing:

    • Focus on Food — that means meal planning and doing my friend Tess’s program, it means rethinking sugar and protein
    • Rethink Exercise — I got out of my usual routine and it’s been hard getting back for physical and emotional reasons. I’m trying new things and pushing — with loving intent — what I think I can do.
    • Add More Rest and Mediation— I can work my body, but I also need rest. I’m trying more healing mediations and scheduling more time for them. 
    • Remember Hydration and Supplements. Sometimes we just need to come back to what we know we need.

    This doesn’t just happen. We need to decide. We need to schedule. We need boundaries. And we need support (I’m putting my team together).

    I’m working on all of it this month, and I hope you’ll try it too — whatever you need for your healthiest self.

    What would happen if you felt really good right now?


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