From Fast Food to Organic with Stacy Rowan
Your life is a canvas; make sure you paint yourself a whole lot of colorful days." - Unknown
What we chat about in the episode:
- How we can custom build our lives.
- Her journey from a corporate job to a happy mom of twins.
- When healthy eating started to be important.
- How she budgets for good food, and always shops alone.
- Navigates teaching her girls to eat well too.
Doable Changes
#1. Journal on your happiness at work.
#2. Design your food shopping experience.
#3. Decide one step you can take towards a custom built life.
About Stacy
Stacy Rowan is the President & Co-Founder of Custom Built Life. As a Life Architect and personal coach at Custom Built Life I work with clients in private coaching programs that empower them to stop following everyone else’s rules which they were told would lead them down the road to success and happiness. I teach them instead of how to design and build a life customized to their own goals and dreams, and encourage them to write their own set of rules that support the creation of this life that until now they had only been dreaming of.