What I’m Learning from Back to Business

What I’m Learning from Back to Business
“Learning gets me excited about something new. And so I'm using that energy to really step into the fall and see how I'm wanting to meet these things that are already on the calendar.” - Mia Moran

Learning new things doesn’t have to derail plans you already set. Learning can get you refocused and re-energized about what you are doing.

We’ve started Back to Business week, and there are so many ahas happening. It’s not too late to join — and even if you aren’t an entrepreneur, you’ll get a lot out of days 4 and 5.

Each day offers several 5-minute videos that are with so much greatness, and if you are overwhelmed by the idea of listening to 55 talks (which you can do in an hour a day for one week), I wanted to show you how I am weaving them in.

Let’s set up your fall and get you into learning and applying what you learn to the things you already plan to do.


Calling all women balancing wellness, work, family and self… Learn a 15-minute daily practice and go to bed each night proud of what you got done.


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you’ve heard and put it into action. Change comes from action.

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    • CHOOSE YOUR FOCUS. You can’t do all the things at once. What do you really want to focus on this fall? Choose four for business and three for the rest of your life. Then get more specific. If one of your focus areas is marketing, where are you focusing within that? See the Back to Business week workbook 1 for a worksheet on this Doable Change.
    • SET UP YOUR WEEKLY FLOW. We need to put the things we are going to do into time, and we do that with a weekly plan, but it helps to start with a weekly flow. So when will you work with clients? When will you spend time on the focus areas you chose? Block that out so you can see it visually.
    • CREATE YOUR MORNING/CLOSING PRACTICES. How we start and end the day matters. A new season is a great time to reset your daily practices. What is the first thing you want to do each day? Think about a practice that will support your throughout the day or set you up with a strong start. What is the first thing you want to do when you start work? And finally, how will you signal to yourself that you are done working and close in a way that sets you up for the next day? Pick ONE of these routines to set up now. Once you are in practice with it, add one of the others.
    From Overwhelm to Ease


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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

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