10X Goals with Mia Moran

Do you go broad or deep with your goals? As women, with lots of hats to wear, we tend to go broad, but when you go deep, your intention has less competition. That’s the premise behind 10x goals and the book 10X Is Easier Than 2X.
I share one of my favorite exercises from the book based on the gap and the gain. I talk you through how to do it, and what it actually looks like in practice, so that you can create a measurable goal that you can get to based on a past that you’re in love with.
I talk about:
- How the book is geared 100% toward entrepreneurs, but this exercise works for any part of your life
- Finding the right energy to plan from
- The gap and the gain and how making choices from the gap means we measure against an impossible ideal
- How gain allowing you measure what’s next for you based on a past you are excited about
- Creating a ritual for the 10X Jumps exercise
- My example of the 10X Jumps exercise, so you can see how it really works
10X JUMPS EXERCISE. Set yourself up with time and energy to think. Light a candle and sit with your tea or take yourself out to a cafe. Then sit with a journal and list out all the amazing things you’ve done throughout your life. Name what happened in each phase of your life, chronologically. Then write what you let go of to make each thing happen. Include the current phase of your life in this process. What is happening? What are you willing to let go of?