a FREE workshop presented by PlanSimple

Take Control
of Your Day

Learn the simplest, most feminine path from where you are now juggling a bajillion things in your business and at home— to finishing things with a sense of ease.


Take Control of Your Day

90 Minute Workshop available for limited time.

In a world where being busy has become a badge of honor and women are juggling more than ever, let’s get to the bottom of your "endless" to-do list.

I'll show you how to stop spinning your wheels and procrastinating. We'll look at your whole life — business, family, home and health.

I'll share the exact 3 steps I take to reach even the hardest goals. This is how I lost 70 pounds, wrote a bestselling book (even though I'm dyslexic), took my kids out of school for a year of travel, and made a course in a very challenging time — without stress or overwhelm.

I'll take you step by step through my 15-minute practice, so you never have an endless to-do list again. You'll learn how to get s**t done. Just not in a way that depletes you!

Take Control
of Your Day

Go to bed each night proud of what you did at work, at home, for yourself.

About Mia

I’m a creator, coach, and mom of three who went from exhausted and overwhelmed to happy and energetic (most days). Now I find great joy helping other busy women find the time to make food, family and work feel balanced, fun and even healthy – with a little planning.

Over the past 13 years, I have rid myself of seasonal allergies, gotten off all medicine, lost some weight, majorly de-cluttered, and grown a second business — and most importantly given myself and my family the gift of my time, energy, and love. Meeting with FLOW365ers (named after our signature program) is the thing I look forward to most these days. It is amazing what women are capable of!!!

On my own journey, I met people who helped me and added richness. I feel held and supported everyday, and I want that for you too!!!