
If you are a mom of a kid (or 2) who is off to college this fall, make sure your sound is turned on—I've got an important message for you below!

Dear mama of a kid in college —

When our kids are born, we don’t always feel supported, but there is no shortage of resources.

As our kids head off to college and jobs, we are supposed to be ready. But we are not. (And there are not many resources.)

It’s supposed to feel natural. But it does not.

We are so proud. We are also so sad.

We show off our kids' new lives/bedrooms on Facebook and Instagram with proud photos, but there are big emotions behind those images.

Most of us are also in the midst of some big hormone changes, and some real reckoning with why we are here.

It is a disorienting time.

It is not a time to be alone.

So let’s gather.

I'll host.

We are going to meet for 5 Wednesdays at 2pm ET, starting September 4.

Each meeting will be 90 minutes.

We’ll come together and really experience the full spectrum of releasing our young adults to their next experience.

If a new moms group serves the purpose of getting a new mom used to her role of mother, then this is a group to get used to being in the role of tending to you (and often your purpose).

We'll define who you are as a mom in this phase. We'll likely look at who you are in a few roles, since everything may feel a bit up in the air.

I'm calling the experience RELEASE.

It’s $222.

It is in the middle of a weekday, in the middle of the week. I did this on purpose. Maybe you’re “supposed to be working at this time. But I can assure you that your mind will wander, your sadness will creep in, and you will eat more than you want or scroll social or grab wine earlier than usual or get lost in the news, to fill the void.

These sessions are meant to be there to catch you.

I’ll record the sessions, but it’s more about connection and real time conversation, so if you can’t make any of them, it’s probably not a great fit.

This is not a course. It’s an experience. It's you letting yourself be supported.

Kids leaving is hard, but we can meet this moment in a new way, and that can change our futures. My guess is that it will change our kids' futures too.

With so much love,

Ready to step in?

If your young adult is heading off to college or starting their own journey, you're probably feeling all the feels right now. RELEASE is here to help you navigate this bittersweet transition.

This isn't a course; it's a gathering of amazing women just like you, coming together to honor the process, express our emotions, and maybe even discover something new about ourselves.

We'll meet for 5 Wednesdays at 2 pm ET for 90-minute sessions — September 4, September 11, September 18 (at 5pm ET), September 25, October 2.

It's all about making meaning together and finding the best version of ourselves.

Join Us Now