Make Space
for Your Greatness

Re-imagine how you interact with your body, mind and spirit to ACTUALLY create the life that you want.


When you want something more — but not “more to do.”

We’ve all read the articles, done the courses, tried the quick tips to find more balance. 

And I’ll bet you’ve tried many tactics and “systems” along the way. But the next thing you knew it was a slog. Just one more thing to do. And you were back to feeling stuck.

It’s time to look at the less obvious way to reach your goals..

What I have found over and over is that focusing solely on self-discipline is not what most women need.  Most women need different actions — deeper, kinder, more feminine actions — that get to the root of why she is wanting what she wants.

Turning inward for guidance isn’t something that we’re taught in school. It takes time to unlock the joy and magic of using our inner guidance in a more effective way.

That’s why I’ve asked 6 experts to guide you through the intentional and intuitive process as we plan our lives differently, and manage the inevitable obstacles in daily life.

And that is what these sessions are.


Spring is a time of renewal — it’s your time to rethink what REALLY brings you joy. To get the most out of the experience, download the workbook, make time to tune into the classes, and take one doable step towards your greatness.

I’ve partnered with some of my favorite teachers to deliver an incredible experience.

I’ve personally witnessed these coaches, teachers, and practitioners walk in their greatness and change countless lives for the better.  What an honor to have them all in one collective space for 1 week.  You won’t want to miss a single second!

Nina Manolson: Make Space for Body-Peace®

Learn the first steps to spend time creating a peaceful relationship with your body. So many of us feel at war with our bodies and then try a tactic — a new way of eating, a juice cleanse, a revised workout plan — from that place of war. Nina will spend time with us looking at why spending the time creating body peace is so impactful, and give us some tools to work with.

Jill Hope: Make Space for Abundance

We have a blueprint inside us for making money that is aligned with our purpose. Jill will connect us with the 5 voices that unlock that blueprint to unleash our money-making power. Most women disconnect from, and discount our own wisdom. Rediscovering and reconnecting with our 5 voices and allowing them to inform us and guide us is where our greatness is accessed — and that is where our money power is.

Denise Walsh: Make Space to Dream

Dreaming is such a necessary part of being in our greatness. Yet many of us don't make time for dreaming, or don't know what to do with the time when we do make it time. Creating clarity for what you want next sets your internal GPS as the "how" starts to show up for you.  Getting out of fight or flight mode and into rest and digest will allow dreams to bubble up for you. Come learn the Dream Life Pathway — Head, Heart, Feet.  Do you know what you want, do you believe that it is possible, and do you know how to go get it?

Patty Lennon: Make Space for Magic

Humans operate in one of two states at any given time: receptivity or resistance. When we’re in receptivity, life flows, inspiration is alive, and work can actually feel like— *gasp*—fun. Patty will help you identify your personal resistance triggers that are zapping your energy so you can clear them for good, craft a 5-minute morning routine that will start the magic flowing from the moment you wake, attract people who believe in you and support you.

Julie Hannon: Source from Your Greatness

Once a month in FLOW365, we meet for an hour with Shamanic Healer Julie Hannon to connect with and source from our greatness through guided meditation and working with our energy fields. This week, we are inviting you to be part of this experience. 

Megan Flatt and Focus Sessions: Focus on Your Greatness
Making space for our greatness is no small feat. It’s often hard to find the time, or more importantly the focus. That is why in FLOW365 we coach specifically on how to follow through individual situations, and we partner with Megan Flatt and Focus Sessions to hold 3–4 virtual co-working sessions a day to support women in making space for their greatness.

Make Space
for Your Greatness

Re-imagine how you interact with your body, mind and spirit to ACTUALLY create the life that you want.