Enrollment is open until Wednesday, October 9 at 10pmET


There's a vast, amazing future ahead of you.

What you accomplish in the next 365 days is only limited by your ability to envision and follow through.

In Flow365, we're here to support you in a year of aligned choices, intentional plans, and real progress so that you thrive. You don't need to wait until the New Year to build the future you want.

Start Building Your Big Vision Now

Don’t let distractions keep you small

There are so many distractions right now. 

Social media pulls us in, the news keeps us spinning, and all the things happening in our lives — from work to family to our  health— vie for our attention. 

It’s hard not to be all consumed by the pain and divide that is our world right now.

It’s so easy to be more comfortable with “busy” and avoid what we really want. 

It seems absurd, but think about it. Where have you gotten busy rather than focused on your dream? When have you spiraled in just thinking about all the bad news?

Deep down, you know you’re ready for more, but it’s hard, and rather lonely to do things differently than everyone around us.

That's where we come in!


In FLOW365, we won’t let life’s distractions derail your goals. This is a space where we lock arms, look each other deep in the eyes, and go for it in partnership.

With us, you’ll find the kind of support that’s not just about comfort. 

Because you'll get a mentor and a group of women who are here to help you evolve, step into your power, and keep you moving forward, even when it’s hard.

Pivots, home projects, grief … and a way back to focus

“I was a hot mess healthwise and a hot mess figuring where money was going to come from when I had to pivot, and some of the tools brought to the forefront what I wanted to do. I created a new business and dropped 50 pounds by changing my food. My mom died, during FLOW, and everything took a back seat while I was grieving. But when I was ready, I had the system in place to step back in.”

Porsha Chalmers, Creator of High-Quality Gifts at Studio 51 Rural Zen

FLOW365 is not about hustle —
It’s about alignment.

It’s about leading with the feminine first.

In FLOW365, we embody what I call "feminine productivity," meaning we start from our wise center and then look outwards. 

Because we align with our truest selves, feminine productivity never leads to grinding, burning out, or hustling harder. 

We’re not here to add more to your already full plate.

This is about aligned action — taking steps forward in a way that feels sustainable, supportive, and aligned with your true desires. Sometimes that looks like going all in on a business launch and working on a Saturday. Sometimes, it’s about getting the sleep your body has been craving, and taking a day off.

Whatever your goals are, we are here to help you define what progress means to you — and support  you every step of the way, literally every day.

Move towards your goals with focus and joy

“I moved through my life differently because of FLOW. Coming into FLOW actually set me up to move through life with so much more ease and grace and focus and joy — as a human and a spouse, partner, a friend, as a community member, and specifically as a business owner.”

Roxanne Lowery, Therapeutic Sound Practitioner at Infinite Flow

Beyond planning to follow through

“I know how to plan. I help my clients do it all the time, but I don’t do it for myself. Having Mia ask the questions that I need to think about makes a huge difference. And what I think is really the best part is the review process to learn the lessons that you need to learn from the week. I love the process, it’s really amazing.”

Alicia Berberich, Motivation, Mindset & Manifestation Coach

FLOW365 is the only program
that supports you in taking care of your business, your health,
and your family

Inside FLOW365, you get support for follow through
every 90 day season, every week, and every day.

Here's how:

Seasonal 90-day goal setting support

We guide you through the process and give you feedback. Then we hold onto your goals so we can check in with you on them.

Weekly accountability
every Monday

This is the cornerstone piece that keeps you tracking towards what you want.

Every Monday, we check in, and get clear on what the week ahead holds. We get really clear about how you are taking steps towards what you want.

Friday planning and celebration sessions

If making your plan is something you avoid, come be gently guided each week.

Feel good and get planning done every Friday.

90-minute guided
Get-It-Done sessions

This is accountability, focus, and magic all built into one 90-minute session. You’ll get shit done. You’ll learn to focus in new ways.

Text nudges to
keep you on track

Little whispers throughout the week to keep you moving in the directions you decided to go.

The most generous community support

FLOW365 is a group of like-minded women who are excited to see you thrive.

Just knowing that someone is so excited about what you are up to can start to change your own belief in yourself.

In addition to this, we have a large library of resources for business, feminine productivity, health that we can guide you through depending on your needs.

Balanced goal setting

“Yay! There's someone in this goal oriented arena that understands that you have to have a sense of spirituality, a well being, the personal life, the family life, and the workspace. So many times the goal setting stuff out there is one or the other, and they sort of like, oh, yeah, you need balance, but it's really not part of the programmatic outline or the essence of the community like in FLOW365.” 

Clara Goldberg-Freeman, Clara Mei Consulting

Get the to support you need this season
to rise to your challenges and work towards your dreams

Join FLOW365 and get:

  • 4 Seasonal 90-Day Planning Retreats
  • Weekly Monday Accountability Sessions:
    Intimate support in small groups
  • Weekly Friday Guided Planning Sessions:
    Developing the a planning mindset while we plan
  • 90-Minute Get-It-Done Sessions: Get ahead in good company, 2-4 times per week
  • Monthly Om: Connect the soul and nervous system to planning and implementation
  • Monthly Special Sessions: Get smarter at making specialty plans for meals, mothering, purpose, home projects
  • Entrepreneur Planning: Develop your business each quarter and month which super special business sessions
  • Community: The most amazing community of women right at your finger tips
  • Texting Program: Gentle nudges as you navigate your week
  • The PlanSimple Course Library: A handy resource for quick answers in business, life and health
  • Bonus #1: 2025 Planning Sessions (in 2024)
  • Bonus #2: Feminine Follow Through the Course
  • Bonus #3: Get a FLOW Planner Box

We’ve made it easy to say yes to yourself. FLOW365 offers flexible payment options, and you can get started for just $297/month or one payment of $2997.


Get a VIP 1:1 with Mia and
save $567… when you pay in full.
$2997 for the year!

Pay-in-Full Limited Time Special

12 Monthly Payments

Commit for the year.
Pay $297 a month
to make FLOW365 doable.

You need the vision + consistency to drive your goals

“As an ideas person, it's easy to get this shiny object syndrome, but we picked a word to lean into, and I wove it into the fabric of everything that I was doing.

I got more consistent, and it was so powerful and transformative to have that focus sitting down to plan with that as a reminder was huge.

In FLOW, I developed a relationship with planning and with goals that I didn't have before. I realized that you need the vision to align what you are doing with what you really want.”

Heather Maguire, The Unconventional Intuitive

FLOW365 was created by
a creator, coach, and mom of three who realized that it never gets easier

That's why prioritizing your approach to each season is so important. With a little planning, you can make food, family and work feel balanced, fun and even healthy. 

I know this because I used to be in your shoes. Hi, I'm Mia, by the way!

11 years ago, I went from exhausted and overwhelmed to happy and energetic (most days). I rid myself of seasonal allergies, got off all medicine, lost some weight, majorly de-cluttered, and grew a business — and most importantly gave myself and my family the gift of my time, energy, and love.

On my own journey, I met people who helped me and added richness. I felt held and supported, and I want that for you too. I’m a connector, so I’ve partnered with some of the amazing women I’ve met to help you feel held — and to add to the circle of expertise and support in FLOW365. 

Meeting with FLOW365ers is the thing I look forward to most these days. Because it's amazing what women are capable of!!!

You won’t get a group that supports you holistically in your business, your family, and your health with the women’s circle next door

(Yup, we said it!)

In FLOW365, we understand that progress doesn’t look the same for everyone.

Moving forward for one person might mean launching a new project, while for someone else, it might mean finally getting enough sleep to feel like yourself again.

We start by helping you clarify what you truly want. 

From there, we create intentional plans that reflect your unique goals. 

And finally, we partner with you to ensure you follow through — no matter what life throws your way.

You deserve so much more than programs that don't take into account ALL aspects of your life

Stop second-guessing yourself

“It’s a level of support that I've never experienced before. I've always said, “Oh, I'm just gonna do everything myself,” and that's how I would burn out. I'm learning how necessary mentorship and community are.

Andrea Putnam, Image Alchemy Style Solutions

You’ve got questions?
We’ve got answers!

Why is FLOW365 a year-long commitment? Do I really need to commit to a year?
Life isn’t static, and neither are your goals. That’s why FLOW365 is designed to evolve with you. Whether you’re navigating a big life change—like sending your kids to college, starting or expanding a business, caring for aging parents, or focusing on your health—or simply trying to find more balance, we’re here to help you figure out your next step. You’ll grow, your dreams will evolve, and we’ll be right here with you, helping you stay grounded and aligned. When you commit to a year, it changes everything.

Will I have the time for this?
FLOW365 is designed to fit into your life, not overwhelm it. We meet regularly, but with enough flexibility so you can choose the calls that work best for you. Plus, we encourage you to approach your time with intention, which often creates more time and space for what matters most.

What if I can’t make a live meeting?
No problem! All our informational and coaching calls are recorded, so you can listen and work through any worksheets or processes on your own time. That said, the group energy and accountability are key parts of FLOW365, so I encourage you to prioritize attending when possible. Planning sessions are hands-on and help you carve out the time to actually do the work.

I’m part of another group or program—can FLOW365 support that?
Absolutely! FLOW365 is meant to complement other programs, helping you focus and follow through. If you’re already in a program or mastermind, FLOW365 will help you implement what you’re learning and keep you accountable as you apply those strategies.

Do I have to be an entrepreneur?
Not at all! While many in FLOW365 are entrepreneurs, we also have participants with traditional jobs or who are pursuing personal growth. The common thread is the desire to live a life that aligns with your goals, values, and purpose—whether that’s in business, career, or other areas of life.

What if I know I’ll be out for a few weeks?
Life happens! FLOW365 is designed with flexibility in mind. If you need to step away for a short period, you won’t fall behind. We’ll be here when you’re ready to return, and the accountability and support will be waiting for you.

What if I need to talk to my spouse about this?
Totally understandable. FLOW365 can benefit not only you but your family life as well. And, I’m happy to hop on a call with both you and your spouse to answer any questions and make sure this program feels like the right fit for your life together.

This seems like a lot. Do I need to attend every call?
Nope! We have several calls each week, and you can choose the ones that fit into your schedule. Calls are meant to support you in changing habits and making progress, but they’re flexible to accommodate your life. If you miss a week, don’t worry. We have a system for checking in.

What if I have a question and there’s no call that day?
You’re never alone in FLOW365! You can connect with me and our AMAZING guides via our community platform, where you’ll get feedback and support within 24 hours.

What if I’m not a planner?
You wouldn’t be the first! Many people who resisted planning in the past have found strategies in FLOW365 that make it easier. Our system is designed with women in mind, integrating your whole life—work, wellness, family—so planning doesn’t feel like a burden but a tool for more flow. We focus on making planning sustainable and aligned with your energy levels.

What if I’m not a mom?
While many of us in FLOW365 are moms, this program is not exclusive to mothers. We welcome women who are caretakers in other ways or who simply want to create a life they love. Whether you’re navigating relationships, personal goals, or big life changes, FLOW365 can support you.

What if I’ve bought other classes and not done the work?
I get it! We’ve all been there. The difference with FLOW365 is that accountability is the program. Often we help members complete other programs they’ve invested in.

Still have questions? We get it…
there's nothing like talking to real, live person!

Book a 15-minute chat with Mia to discuss how FLOW365 can support your hopes and goals for Q4 and beyond.

Sometimes, your husband just doesn’t understand you. (Neither does your mom, sister, or friend)

And that's OK!

That's why you've got us. Let’s do this together.

This isn’t about blinders or pretending the world doesn’t exist. 

It’s about locking arms with someone who genuinely has your back.

It’s about looking each other in the eyes and navigating the life you WANT to create.

If you’re ready to stop spinning in circles, to stop getting distracted all the time, and to start living in alignment with what matters most to you, then FLOW365 is your next step.

We’ve made it easy to say yes to yourself. FLOW365 offers flexible payment options, and you can get started for just $297/month or one payment of $2997.


Get a VIP 1:1 with Mia and
save $567… when you pay in full.
$2997 for the year!

12 Monthly Payments

Commit for the year.
Pay $297 a month
to make FLOW365 doable.

I am no longer just surviving

Things that I didn’t think were possible, were possible!” 

Evelyn Castro, Etsy Seller + IRS employee

During the busiest of weeks I lean on FLOW365

In the busiest week of my life, I felt the need to be around the energy of all the women on the call, because it's infectious. When someone is going through something, we're there for each other and we find ways to encourage each other.

Gianna Diggs, Coach and Influencer

Your future self is waiting. 

What would your life look like if you had the support, clarity, and accountability to actually follow through on your biggest dreams?

Imagine looking back a year from now and seeing all the progress you’ve made — not just in your business, but in your entire life.

If you are feeling pulled, start now!

We’ve all been there —
waiting for that “perfect” moment to make a change.

Maybe it’s the new year, maybe it’s after the next big project, or maybe it’s when life just calms down. 

Here’s the thing: waiting until the new year or the “right time” is one of the biggest disservices we can do to ourselves.

It never happens. You have to make it happen, and that is precisely why FLOW365 exists….

So YOU can make it happen. Just not alone.

There’s no better time than now.

Join us in FLOW365 and let’s make it happen together.

An anchor every Monday for my whole life

“My anchor has become the Monday accountability calls. It is just how I root my week.

Mia has this incredible gift of hearing the things that you're not saying necessarily out loud. She hears the undercurrent, or she sees the things that you can't see, and she'll, in the most loving, gentle way, pull them out and hold them out for you to look at.

As we know, Flow is just, it's not just about business, but it is a core piece of my building a business.

It integrates all the pieces of my life, whether it’s how I’m eating, how I'm parenting, how I’m going through perimenopause, and how am I holding onto myself through all of that.

And I'll just add, it's not just the one -on -one feedback that I get every week, which is priceless. It's also, listening to all the other incredible women in the group who all have questions, challenges, and celebrations that I can relate to and learn from.

So it's like I get my feedback and I also get everyone else's.

Jennifer Zwiebel, Vision Craft Coaching

I joined when I was as a low point in my life

FLOW came into my life at a time that I was at my lowest personally and professionally.  It has truly changed my life over the last year. It helped me to manifest the perfect exit from a toxic job and nurtured me to launch my genealogy business. AND I was able to do all of that while working on spaces in my house that need help and beginning to exercise again.” 

Dana Jones, Generation Jones Geneology

It worked for getting healthy and starting my business

FLOW365 is a magical program if you are serious about organizing and planning your life to include all your heart desires, in all aspects of your life. [I spent my first year getting healthy and my second building my dream business.] With FLOW365, I’m thinking about how I want my weeks to feel and can visualize what I have going on for the week or month ahead.

I love being part of a wonderful community of fantastic women, but giving myself time to truly think about what my needs are is the greatest gift of all! 

Heather Dressel, Energy Doula and Guide-ess at Divinely Sensitive

It takes time to change

Imagine taking a whole year to understand and move forward towards the life you want. It takes time to change things, but as soon as I started to move toward my vision, mini step by mini step, wins keep happening! I’m more deeply connected to my inner voice, the higher “power,” and my goals, and I felt fully supported by Mia, who became a huge source of inspiration for me!”

Hélène Defrance, Olympic Athlete + Nutritionist

It never feels like a good time to be the most aligned version of yourself, in all areas of your life.

But what if the world, your family and you, need you to fully show up, right now?

We’ve made it easy to say yes to yourself. FLOW365 offers flexible payment options, and you can get started for just $297/month or one payment of $2997.


Get a VIP 1:1 with Mia and
save $567… when you pay in full.
$2997 for the year!

12 Monthly Payments

Commit for the year.
Pay $297 a month
to make FLOW365 doable.

Planning in ALL seasons has really helped me

I do a lot. I don't only do things in my business. I work for a couple of nonprofits. I have grandchildren. I have a very rich and beautiful life. And what's important to me is to be intentional — intentional with my life energy, intentional with really how I nurture myself.

And the seasons are different. What I love that I've learned from you is there could be a season like I broke my foot. So part of this season is healing from a broken foot, which I didn't know. I was able to really pivot and adapt in a beautiful way because I was supported.” 

Kelley Grimes, Founder of Cultivating Peace and Joy, author of The Art of Self Nurturing

Working on my business feels totally different

FLOW365 is a beautiful container for women to step fully into their authentic power. It’s about tuning into the rhythm of your life, honoring your body, and connecting with your heart’s deepest desires.

In FLOW365, you create plans that aren’t just about getting things done, but about aligning your actions with your soul’s purpose. You will be encouraged to pause, breathe, and listen to what you truly need in every season of your life. With a community that holds you accountable with love, FLOW365 helps you integrate building a business, creating a life, connecting with your soul and being well in a way that feels true to who you are.

Julie Hannon, Shamanic Healer and Teacher
Teaches Monthly Om in FLOW365

I now get the “right” things done in a day

“I have always been overly ambitious about what can get done in a day, feeling like failure when I can't get through my whole list. Now, I don't get stuck spinning — because I get help breaking things into do able chunks, I show up to regular check ins, and I even am supported while getting things done.

I love that FLOW365 isn't just a scheduling program or something for moms or just for entrepreneurs. It pulls together all these different pieces and people who are thinking about all these pieces and more.

Kelly Lubeck, Coach, Healing Practitioner, Program & Workshop Facilitator, Speaker
Nervous System Teacher in FLOW365