Let’s rebalance together.
You aren’t meant to do this alone.
“Any of these sound familiar?”
You’re done with the struggle.
It doesn’t have to be this way — and you don’t have to do it alone anymore.
Discover the magic of making aligned choices and intentional plans. Planning is making choices in advance. When you plan and make choices from a place of calm, it makes a world of difference.
In Flow365, we are here for you for the planning — and the doing.
Change takes time. Having support and space to really live into the changes you want makes a difference. In FLOW365, you have a full year to make doable changes into the life you love, and our community is there every step of the way.
Have Questions? Schedule a 15-minute conversation with Mia.
You do not have to choose between meaningful work, family, home and wellness. You don’t have to struggle through alone. Lean into a supportive system and a loving community to get done the things that matter most to you — everyday — no matter what season you are in.
What you’ll practice in Flow365:
Through it all, you feel held by a group of other women who support you and cheer you on. And if you’ve been in groups before that haven’t been there for you, this is one is different. Consistently, one of the things FLOW365ers talk about is the impact of our community — and they hadn’t seen anything like it before they joined us.
“The group you've curated and drawn to you is just wonderful. This is what I've always imagined when I think of a women's group — just to have that support, have people cheering you on, very authentically. Even though we're all working on different things, we come together with this common goal of these dreams for our life and we're not going to give up on them.”
Andrea Putnam, Image Alchemy Style Solutions
“It's just such good energy, which I don't have at this level in other groups that I'm part of. It's something that is very unique to FLOW.”
Heather Hester, Chrysalis Mama
We actually start with your intuition. It’s time to get back in touch with your deepest desires — maybe they got lost while you were doing all the things … maybe they’ve changed, but you’ll reconnect, because that’s where it all starts.
You’ll learn how to make plans that reflect your desires instead of supporting the story of what you thought you wanted or were supposed to want.
And you’ll know what it looks like to REALLY follow through on a goal in any situation.
But here’s where FLOW365 is different: This isn’t a class. We will teach you the FLOW planning method and give you a system for follow through, but EVERYTHING we do is focused on helping you do what you need to do.
And I know you don’t want one more thing, but all of our planning keeps the reality of your life front and center. We help you bend time by choosing and planning and feeling the difference when you do.
As a result, you'll...
“Yay! There's someone in this goal oriented arena that understands that you have to have a sense of spirituality, a well being, the personal life, the family life, and the workspace. So many times the goal setting stuff out there is one or the other, and they sort of like, oh, yeah, you need balance, but it's really not part of the programmatic outline or the essence of the community. I've heard before about the rocks and the pebbles, but because you put the rocks and the pebbles into the context of our umbrella of life, then it made sense. There are things that are overwhelming, but I don't feel overwhelmed.”
Clara Goldberg-Freeman, Clara Mei Connsulting
You learn how to keep it simple enough to thrive in multiple areas of your life.
Real change isn’t easy … but it’s simple.
Creating a life you love means doing little things over and over.
It means changing how you think. We help you do that.
FLOW365 includes the meetings you need to follow through on what matters most with you. We make a roadmap of what sessions will be most useful to you on our intro call.
We look at wellness, family, home, work and spirituality one season at a time. 90 days is the perfect length of time to go all in on a big vision and understand how the season can support us in fulfilling our promises to ourselves. The retreat itself is 4 90-minute calls woven into your weekend, so you learn how to balance planning with life.
These calls are the cornerstone of FLOW365. If you can do one thing, this is what we want you to commit to each week. We have enough calls each Monday (and one Sunday evening) to ensure everyone has the space to get support.
(We continually add times as we grow.) If you show up every Monday (or almost every Monday), you will not recognize your life a year from now… in a good way.
Dale Carnegie said, “An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing.” I have seen this to be true time and time again. We plan Friday so you can see how to best use your weekend, feel finished with your week, and feel ready for Monday. We celebrate to lift your energy and vibration, then we lead you through guided planning.
Community is created on intimate Zoom meetings, multiple times each week. Community goes deeper through accountability calls with a buddy who has your back, consistent access to members through a platform off Facebook, and a model that facilitates deep female relationships.
These 90-minute co-working sessions quickly get you centered, connected to your vision, and taking action towards one of your goals. In these sessions you both get both support to focus + you are learning the skill of staying focused to follow through for other times.
Once a week we have an additional call focused on one of the FLOW categories — which translates into monthly meal planning, monthly business mastermind and quarterly business planning, monthly OM, and lifestyle conversations. Make time for food that supports you. Calm your nervous system and tap into your soul. Make space to get organized and focused around your business. Make spacious plans for home, mothering, and caring for aging parents. We’re here to support you through it all.
The library gets better and better each season, and we are very careful about telling FLOW365ers what would be useful to their exact situation, so no time is wasted on our clock. The classes are meant to be a shortcut to a result, once you have decided in partnership with your intuition and Mia what result you want.
You need the vision + consistency to drive your goals
“As an ideas person, it's easy to get this shiny object syndrome, but we picked a word to lean into, and I wove it into the fabric of everything that I was doing. I got more consistent, and it was so powerful and transformative to have that focus sitting down to plan with that as a reminder was huge.
In FLOW, I developed a relationship with planning and with goals that I didn't have before. I realized that you need the vision to align what you are doing with what you really want.”
Heather Maguire, The Unconventional Intuitive
Read stories from women just like you and see the results they've been able to create after taking the program. I can preach from the rooftops, but their words can be even more compelling. READ + WATCH HERE »
Join us for a Year of FLOW365
One-payment of $3300 $2997
Save an additional $603
when you choose the pay- in-full option over the payment plan.
12 payments of $297
If FLOW365 feels out of reach financially, and you are a "hell yes," please reach out to support@plansimple.com. We have made FLOW365 a pretty amazing deal for the level of attention each FLOW365er gets... We hear quite often, "this is my best money spent."
“You don’t have to do it alone — the community of women is incredible! Women don't often have this kind of community and support. Everybody just lays it out there, and we all try and help figure out problems or situations together. It's just incredible.”
Jenny Warner, I Shine Brite
“Things that I didn’t think were possible, were possible!”
Evelyn Castro
What if I cannot be on live calls?
Informational and coaching calls will be recorded so you can listen and work through any worksheets or processes, but the group energy and accountability are a key part of FLOW365. Planning sessions are meant for you to make time and show up to plan, and are about you doing the work. We have enough calls each week that you can choose which ones work best for you. I encourage you to make the calls a priority. They are there to help you change the habits that may not be serving you right now. Can't make a week, no worries! We will be there for you when you are ready!
What if I have a question and there is no call that day?
You can connect with Mia and the AMAZING Flow365 guides via our Community Platform for feedback or check in with the group. Basically, you have accountability 24/7.
What if I am not a planner?
You wouldn’t be the first “not a planner” to take part in FLOW 365. Many people who have resisted planning in the past found strategies that make it work AND find that planning truly does make their life easier and more in FLOW. The FLOW method is different than most systems. It’s really created with women in mind. It looks at our life holistically, so that our goals and our wins come from all parts of our lives AND we pay attention to our energy levels at different times of day or through the month or in different seasons. FLOW 365 is for people who want to be productive, but recognize that productivity can look a lot of different ways.
What if I am not an entrepreneur?
While many of the people in FLOW 365 are entrepreneurs, we have had people in traditional jobs in the group. They often are still connected to their purpose and want to make work more meaningful, or find time for purpose outside of work.
What if I am not a mom?
I’m a mom, and I work mostly with moms. I define this very loosely, though. Very often women in FLOW who do not have children are caretakers by nature. We will talk about kids, teens and young adult kids and how our relationships affect our time. We also have a big group of moms becoming empty nesters and grandmoms! But do you have to be a mom for this to work? No. If the FLOW method resonates with you and you are ready to plan for and make changes, you are welcome to join. We are a village of humans who identify as women at the current time.
What if I have bought other classes and not done the work?
I can’t make you do the work. Nobody can make you do the work, but FLOW365 isn’t a class that you do on your own time. We build accountability into every week. We show up for each other. If having community and support are the missing pieces, FLOW 365 has the methods and worksheets and learning a class offers plus the support and accountability to help you keep moving forward. We will help you get those other classes done!!!
FLOW365 is your support — a structure, a plan, accountability and
follow through AND a community like you’ve never seen before to see you and support you.
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